I failed again!! 5 minors and 1 major, which was going over a crossing when people had started walking on the other side of the road. I do realise that this is an Unforgiveable Sin in the eyes of most driving instructors so knew I failed, but it's still a disappointment. I had a vision of being 'surprised' by Mr C with a shiny new car on my return from New York but it is not to be.

Proper blog later.


  1. mad as a cambridge bicycle said...
    oh no! well they always say that driving tests get the very people who've ever failed at anything else in their life...
    Atia said...
    well i've got another one booked for 2 weeks time, let's hope that goes better
    Mariamazmi said...
    ooooh! wow, mA the pics are amazing! They look like the ones on the rowan website.
    Anonymous said...

    Hope you're well...

    I passed my driving on my 6th attempt, and even then, I think he just felt sorry for me cos I was over 7 months pregnant!

    You'll get there eventually!


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