I really should update more often. By the time I get round to writing stuff up, its old hat - but never mind here goes:

New York (in pictures):

We stayed with my aunt and she has the most beautiful (and well-behaved!) baby. I bought my Nikon D40 as soon as we got there and took lots of photos of him.

We walked from the Rockefeller Center to Times Square at midnight, with the baby. The ice rink was closed because there was a private party going on and as we walked we noticed the street was lined with limos! We also stopped to eat some 'authentic New York pizza' - the place was run by Egyptians.

We went to the West Village and happened upon the Magnolia Bakery - they had these scrumptious looking cupcakes on display and we had to buy some. It was a bit messy, but worth it.
We did a yarn store trawl and this was the only one I managed to photograph properly - Brooklyn General. I'm going to do a review of the shops I went to later. This place was lovely - HUGE compared to the ones in Manhattan, and not just yarn - beautiful fabric and notions, friendly staff, vintage bits and pieces and lots of nice gifty things. Me and Jug spent ages in there. In fact Brooklyn in general was really fun, lots of boutiques and interesting cafes and shops.

Nasim's wedding:

Mr C's cousin got married! Congrats to the happy couple. It was a gorgeous day and a really nice venue. The photographer wanted to take a shot of the boys pretending to throw Nasim in the fountain in front of the hall. I got back from New York and on the same day it was the Nikah, the next day the mehndi and the day after the wedding. I was pretty exhausted by the end of it all.

My new job:

From August I will be based at Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham, Kent. Kent is supposed to be the 'Garden of England', but I think the Medway area is more like the compost heap. Chatham, about 5 minutes down the road, is apparently the origin of the term 'chav', but on the brighter side we might end up staying in Rochester, which is supposed to be a pretty Dickensian town complete with castle and cathedral. We should be going down at some point this weekend so I will let you know. The job itself shouldn't be too bad - orthopaedics (I'd better learn all my bones finally!), A&E and paediatrics.

I've been doing some knitting too - will post about it soon. Also have a look at my flickr photos - blogger compresses the photos so they don't look as good - anyone know how to fix this?


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