A Productive Weekend Part III : Stash Enhancement

Here are the photos of my haul from the K&S Show (see previous post):

New Erike Knight 'Glamour' book, which has some really beautiful and wearable patterns, Vogue Knitting Summer 2006 and Interweave Knits Summer 2006

Dyed wool tops bought by Jughead, she donated some of hers to me

FuseFX fibres (can be melted to bond fabrics, create texture and bond angelina fibres); Angelina (hot fix and normal); Soluble film and Wireform (bad photo sorry!)

Beads from the most amazing bead shop...not quite as great as the one we found in Spain but good value and selection..Pink I got your Eid present from here! But you have to come over if you want it...

Again, not a great photo (I took a better one then deleted by mistake and can't be bothered going back upstairs and getting them all out again). But these were my favourite buys - hand dyed silk habotai, Oliver Twists 'Two of a Kind' hand and machine embroidery threads, Oliver Twists 'One-Offs' in the most beautiful jewel colours and a bag of 'Short Ends'..most of which are perfectly good for embroidery and so a complete bargain at £1.50 only :)

UK alpaca, Lorna's Laces (first purchase - it's absolutely gorgeous! and much softer than the Cherry Tree Hill Supersock I'm using at the moment), Silkwood 4 ply mohair blend.

Close-ups of Lorna's Laces and Silkwood yarn

I think that's everything! Somehow spread out it looks like a lot but I did try and limit myself as much as possible...I worked out it will take me at least a year and a half to get through all the yarn I have so I think it's time for a yarn 'fast'!

I've been approached by a writer for a well known Islamic lifestyle magazine who want to publish an article on knitting..although so far I've mostly been following other people's patterns I thought it would be a good opportunity to knit some simple items e.g. drop stitch scarf, or a felted purse and include the patterns so that people can try things out at home. I'm also planning to set up a club in London so if you're interested just drop me an email (my email address is at the bottom of the blog).

And finally a gratuitous picture of my gorgeous little cousin :) He (yes really) may look sweet but he kicks a mean football...

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