coffee break

I can't believe this - I actually have a break for the first time in the middle of my working day..what bliss. The past week I have hardly had the time to eat or sit down other than to do paperwork. On Tuesday night I did my first on-call, which was terrifying. My SHO (Senior House Officer) was around until 9pm so that was fine, but from then til 1am I was totally alone, and getting bleeped left right and centre about sick patients! We have one who is a bit loopy and she was trying to assault patients and steal cigarettes from them, so I wrote up some sedation for the first time.

I was having a Venflon (those plastic things that go in your veins so drips can be put up) block during my finals, and was a bit nervous about doing them for real as the doctor..and in fact couldn't get them in until yesterday, when I magically got two in, both first time! Apparently, the trick is to make people think it's their own fault if you can't get them in, by going in and shaking your head and telling them they have bad veins :) so now you know.


  1. Tamanna said...
    I had a Venflow in my arms once. A very nice doctor put it in for me. His name was Dr Laurie.
    Atia said...
    i thought you said you had one in your arm now! And was feeling guilty for not keeping in touch...
    The Sane One said...
    Hehe, so true :-)
    Tamanna said...

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