The first thing that happened today was that I left my bag on the tram. It wasn't until ten minutes later, when I was safely on the bus to work that I realised what had happened, and I ended up ringing Mr C in a 'what should I dooooo?' panic, for which he sensibly advised me to call Tramlink and ask them to look for it. This done, I started thinking about what was in there. My PDA. My stethoscope. A ball of wool. Some bamboo dpns. All completely indispensable! I was gutted, especially when they called back and said that it hadn't turned up.

Then, one of my patients (let's call him Mr W) ended up being very sick - so sick that he had to go to theatre for an operation. Without being too technical, he had perforated his bowel because it had become completely obstructed and overloaded with faeces. I decided to go along with Mr W and watch the procedure - an opportunity to learn something and also reassure him that someone familiar was there. For the first time in my life, I scrubbed up (after much prompting from the very nice theatre nurses) and actually got to assist and see things properly. Unfortunately it was not the nicest task considering what the operation was for - his bowel was full of soft stool which had to all be cleared out. The outcome is also not very optimistic but we're hoping for the best.

My other patients all being well, I didn't do much during the afternoon. Ramadan is going very fast because of work, can't believe a week has gone already. My sis will be coming tomorrow for a few hours and I'm going to see if we can get any other people to join us for iftar, as I haven't seen anyone yet, although we now have Dazey and Pink in London supposedly!

Oh, and happily my bag turned up after all and was sitting patiently waiting for me at Tramlink in Croydon. See, Croydon isn't full of thieves and stabbers after all.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Too, TOO much information, Mrs C.

    Please refrain in future from using phrases that 'soft stool'.

    The world does not wish to know.
    mad as a cambridge bicycle said...
    ooooh you already put my pic up (blue knitted arms)?? ahh, so beautiful...
    mad as a cambridge bicycle said...
    ok, you did Not need to put ALL of them up!!!
    Atia said...
    lol it's only on flickr - i'm gonna do a proper post as soon as time and blogger allow..
    Mariamazmi said...
    I feel quite sick Mrs C....

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